Geometry Solver ²

Your personal geometry calculator!

Get it now!
for iOS
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for Android

Currency Converter ²

Quickly and efficiently convert currencies

Get it now!
for iOS
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for Android

Smash & Break

Smash all the bricks...
Including level editor!

Get it now!
for Android

About me

Always doing something type of developer, communicative and friendly towards others. Team player that doesn't like to play solo. Currently working on Android applications for Ness KDC (end customer is a company called Masternaut). Development is located mainly in Kosice, but teams are spreaded throughout UK, France and Slovakia.

In past I have worked as an ABAP developer for SAP IS-U module (7.5 years), but I also had my share of fun with J2EE, databases, PHP and so on. I also participated on or have created many Android projects, few for Windows Phone 8 and I've ported some of my apps and games to iOS. To see my CV just visit my Google Drive CV ›